That's right, I am under construction.
d has been... reconstructing, rebuilding, and reshaping me into the woman of God that He desires for me to be. It hasn't been easy. Every day a new lesson is set before me, just waiting to be learned. Sometimes I realize that...and work towards learning that lesson. Sometimes, I don't realize there even is a lesson there! The fact is though, is that God is always handing us a lesson. He is always handing us something new to learn. He does this so that we can grow and have more
faith. Christ brings us through times of construction in our life not to hurt us or harm us...but to help us step out of our "comfort zones" so to speak...and learn to love a surrendered life. The storms of life may come but the Lord will be there. Just like a Mother Or a Dad chooses to discipline there child when they do wrong or get out of line, that is the same thing with God. Parents do that because they
love there children and they desire to see them live right lives. Parents desire for there kids to grow, and to learn from there mistakes, they want to protect them from making wrong choices that could alter there lives (and not in a good way). SAME. WITH. GOD. He is our Abba Father. We are His children. We must listen to His instruction so that we can go far in life. So that His name will reach the ends of the earth. It's for His glory only. We
must choose to live for HIM...not ourselves.
We all are under construction. How is God shaping you into the man or woman He desires you to be? The better question is, are you allowing Him to shape you?
Labels: construction, Emotional Healing, Encouragment, Faith, handiwork, Hope